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Monday, March 18, 2013

Nursery Update

Since we finally painted the nursery, we moved on to assembling furniture.

We have put together the dresser, change table and crib.

I've also put up the mobile and the paint chip art.

Still more to do and I'll keep posting updates.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patty's Day Bake-A-Thon

Because apparently having a bun in the oven isn't enough baking for my husband and because apparently he is having some sympathy cravings, my hubby thinks I haven't baked enough lately.  I reserved comment for a more appropriate time and kindly obliged this weekend (and I should note he has been very helpful throughout the pregnancy).  Since today is St. Patty's Day, I went with a theme and made Shamrock Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing and a Mint Chocolate Cake.

Shamrock Sugar Cookies
I've grown up using the Company's Coming series of cook books, which has a great recipe for sugar cookies and royal icing.

As always with sugar cookies, the dough is best for rolling and cutting cookies if first chilled for a while (I chilled this batch for roughly 45 minutes.)  One dozen turned out really well.  The next...well, not so much.  To fix these ones, I used one of the round cookie cutters to cut them down to size.

Its been a LONG while since I've iced cookies, but I tried my hand at it.  I went with Wilton Kelly Green colouring for the festive feel.

I couldn't find a squeeze bottle, so I had to use piping bags for both the edge piping and the flood icing.

Not my best work but they taste good and they are cute.  Turns out I could have thinned the flood icing a bit more, but I used a toothpick to spread it out.

Mint Chocolate Cake

For the cake, to save time, I used Betty Crocker's Chocolate Fudge cake and baked it per directions.

For the icing, I made a mint buttercream icing:

4 1/2 cups icing sugar
1 cup unsalted butter, softened
1/4 cup milk
1/2 tsp mint extract

Blend the icing sugar, butter and milk until smooth and blended.  Add the mint extract.  Add more to taste if necessary.  If the icing is not thick enough, add more icing sugar.  If too thick, add more milk.

Once it was the consistency I wanted, I added Kelly Green colouring.  It was really quite Irish. 

Once the cake was cooled, I just did all of my usual steps (frosting between cake layers, crumb coat, cool for 10-15 minutes, frost, cool for 10-15 minutes, use paper towel to smooth frosting).

To add some additional St. Patty's Day flair, I created a shamrock cut-out on a piece of foil and applied some icing sugar.

The hubby hasn't had any yet, but I thought it was a good mix of chocolate and a subtle mint flavour.

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Its beginning to look a lot like a nursery...

I know I'm only half way (18 weeks and 4 days to go, but who's counting), but I've decided on what I wanted in the nursery.  So after a couple weeks of puttering around and only doing some of the wall decorations, I finally convinced my hubby to clear everything out so that the room could be painted.

We used the Behr Paint and Primer in One in Satin finish and, as mentioned a few posts ago, I picked "Opal Silk", which I think works for a girl or a boy.  So, finally, the painting could begin.

I decided that I wanted to keep most of the walls the current shade of brown but do a feature wall with stripes running through the two side walls.

I set about taping out the stripes and making sure everything was level.
(Note, all pictures were taken with my Blackberry, so some are not too crisp.  My apologies.)

I also decided to bravely try one of the edging devices, so as not to have tape off the corners of the feature wall or any trim etc.  The SHUR-LINE edger works surprisingly well, provided that you don't overload it with paint or accidentally smear the front edge with wet paint.

I love, love, love the Behr Paint and Primer in One products, they truly are exceptional in their ability to limit the number of coats.  I was actually happy with the finish after only one coat.

We also bought some storage bins and decals and I put those up as well.

Originally, I was going paint the closet doors but I decided to keep them white and add the decals.  I think they are too cute.  They are from the Toyland collection at Babies R Us.

Now, we just need to put the dresser, change table and crib together and I need to get a glider.  Then, all that's left is putting up the rest of the decor (which will probably include one or two more projects).

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Animal Shape - Mix and Match Wall Art

I saw a lovely idea for silhouettes done with mismatched prints at Project Nursery (here).

I absolutely fell in love with this and decided I had to do something similar for the nursery.  I wanted to do animal prints and again, the prints had to be neutral - nothing overtly boy or girl.

I decided to use an alligator, giraffe, lion, monkey and elephant.  Our bedding will likely carry this animal/jungle theme throughout (especially the giraffe and monkey - I have a thing for those animals in particular).

I picked out what I think is a nice mix between vibrant and soft prints (that wouldn't clash with the wall colours), traced the animals, cut out the shapes and the appropriate sizes for the background prints, glued the animals to the background and put them into their frames.

I think the giraffe is my favourite.  

Voila - done!  Well, sort of.  I still have to attach ribbon to the back to create hooks to hang the frames from but that can wait until the room is painted.